A change of plans for my youngest son led to an unexpected puppy training opportunity - "How to Road Trip!"
Buttercup is my 14 week old golden retriever puppy. We live together in Whitewater, Wisconsin. She is smart and loving and hilarious and exhausting. She is capable of greatness...so I gave her a name to match: Warrior Princess Buttercup.

Well, I'm glad I haven't filled out the AKC registration paperwork yet, because after this trip I might go with Road Warrior Princess Buttercup! I am delighted to report that Buttercup has proven herself to be a fantastic travel companion!
A bit more about the reason for our trip: My son Josh decided that Montclair State University was not the right fit. He went through the withdrawal process and packed his things. I fully support his decision and have no doubt he will land on his feet...Josh is one of the most amazing humans on the planet.
The other most amazing human, my oldest son, Luke, offered to to pick up Josh and meet me in Pennsylvania for a handoff, in order to to reduce the car time for puppy. He and his girlfriend Anha (who live in New Jersey, not far from MSU) were excited to meet Buttercup. "Pennsylvania or bust" to get the whole pack together!
Buttercup and I had an important event to attend on Friday before we could leave....the campaign kickoff for my friend and fellow Moms Demand Action volunteer Joan Fitzgerald, who is running for WI State Assembly. Buttercup is putting her considerable cuteness to work this election season to help elect gun sense candidates - candidates who will work to pass common sense safety measures to reduce gun violence. The kickoff had a great turnout of our local volunteers and was a great start to Joan's campaign! https://www.joanfitzgeraldforassembly.com

I had already packed up the car, so right after the event we headed east. Worn out from her public appearance, Buttercup slept all the way to Indiana.

Google led us to a great park to stretch our legs...

...then we stopped for the night at a Super 8 in Howe, Ohio.

I love a good 2 star hotel, but this place was raggedy and unclean. Buttercup was confused by the sudden availability of chewable items, including (outdoors) cigarette butts, candy wrappers and bottle caps; along with (indoors) bed skirts, electrical cords and stray bobby pins. I played defense all night and resorted to distracting her with gas-station chicken.
I guess we wore ourselves out because we ended up sleeping pretty well. We took one trip outside in the middle of the night to avoid an accident, but slept soundly before and after. We were on the road the next morning by 8 a.m.

We drove half the day, then found a great PA state park just off Highway 80...S.B. Elliot State Park. I still don't know who S.B. is, but they must be awesome to deserve these 318 acres set aside within the Moshannon State Forest.

There was no one else around, so Buttercup was able to let loose and run free. Their bathrooms were open, so it was a good pit stop for both of us.

We drove on. At gas stations she waited patiently for me to pump the gas. At waysides she made friends with other travelers. At a Pennsylvania Service Plaza I spied a big, burly truck driver taking her picture when he thought I wasn't looking. (He ducked inside before I could offer him the contact info for Joyful Goldens!)
She slept most of the drive, waking only when she needed to pee. She was usually quick to go about her business, only sometimes pausing to chew on trees.

Buttercup and I got to the meeting spot first - a MUCH nicer Super 8 in Mifflinville, PA. (A special "Thank you" shout out to Buttercup's new best friend Jackie at the front desk!) We spent time getting comfortable with the new room and motel grounds. I did my best to tire her out before the kids arrived - I knew once Luke and Anha and Josh arrived it was going to be chaos,
And it was - but the good kind of chaos. My people!!!

We stayed together for 3-4 hours, eating take-out and playing in the motel room. Josh's stuff was moved from Luke's car to mine, and then we sadly said our goodbyes to Luke and Anha.
Sleeping was a little harder for Buttercup on the second night. Every time she woke up she would remember that her new best friend Josh was in the room and she'd whine and bark for his attention. It was hard to convince her that it wasn't play time, but eventually she settled.
The next day we hauled it all the way back to Wisconsin in one shot. These two animals slept much of the time...

Helpfully, it was Super Bowl Sunday, so a very exciting game kept us entertained for the last 5 hours of the trip. Overtime got us all the way home, and we saw the last play of the game just after we came in the door at home - perfect timing!
In retrospect, I truly can't believe how well it all went. There was not one incident of car sickness; no motel messes, no restlessness that couldn't be cured by a quick pit stop by the side of the road. Buttercup is a perfectly chill road warrior princess, and I can't wait to travel with her again!

Well, maybe we'll wait a couple weeks. We're pretty tired.

But after we rest ...

So glad that the princess nailed her maiden voyage. I have some Burns cousins in Mifflinberg; next time you'll have to stop and greet them for me. You might be related, stranger things have happened. Looking forward to seeing you and Buttercup soon. I really enjoy your travel site.