My last day working was March 1st and I started traveling March 2nd. I was blogging about my travels in the first couple of weeks, but by the end of March I was no longer consistently posting stories. I figured out pretty quickly that blogging and website management were taking too much time away from my travel fun. I had this once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel, and I was spending too much time on my computer instead of out on the trail. I apologize to readers who wanted to follow along. I over-promised and under-delivered, and I'm sorry. I can only say that I've never done this before, and I didn't know how it would go. I hope you'll forgive me.

I assure you that I am still traveling and writing. I journal every day and take photos to remind me of each sojourn. By my count, I have explored 12 National Parks, 37 State Parks, 3 National Seashores, 2 National Lakeshores, 2 National Scenic Rivers, 1 National Grassland, 1 National Recreation Area and 1 National Monument so far. I have a back-log of stories I want to write or have started to write, and I promise there is more to come. I post on Instagram and Facebook as a quick way to let folks know where I am in real time (or have recently been). You can search for me there as @shakyrule.

I have been fortunate to meet up with treasured family and friends along my route, too! I value those visits perhaps more than anything else. I've been off in my own world of busyness and grief and worldwide forced isolation - so re-connecting has been golden. I am eternally gratefully to those who took me in and loaned me a bed or a couch; who joined me for an adventure or a dinner or a brief visit. Simply said, my time alone on the road has increased the value of my time spent with loved ones. And if I haven't seen you yet in this year of sojourning - let's fix that!
(I'm not sure my friends and family want their pictures posted on a public blog, so I'll just post this one of Josh because I know he doesn't read this. :) Also he's so grown up and handsome and I'm a proud mama.)

Right now I am home in Whitewater, WI. I have a few volunteer activities planned, but mostly I am working on my house and yard, writing, and spending time with Josh. Summer in SE Wisconsin is a time to wake early and stay up late and enjoy every ounce of the beautiful weather while it's here. I've been jumping in local waters, meeting friends for hikes, digging out stumps and running through my neighborhood waving at dogs. It's a watermelon-sweet summer, and I hope it is sweet for you, too. Sojourn on!

Glad to hear about your travels. Make sure you take plenty of photos. I wanted to ask if you had wanted any changes on the design Betty did? Different hat, wording. Just let me know. Harry